Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'd rather be wise than smart!

I'd rather be wise than smart!

There are two people (who will remain anonymous) that I was thinking about when I wrote this blog. Before I go to far, I must say I am not writing this out of anger or spitefulness, but out of a deep love and concern for these two and the many more out there like them.

The first individual is a young man who is smart.  Smart, smart.  Not book smart, but savvy.  He's one of the few, who could actually sell ice to an Eskimo.  The problem is he knows it.  I don't know his IQ score, but it certainly is higher than mine and in the times we have disagreed over things I have always felt he had a leg up on me.  It is often difficult to refute what he says.  Not because he is right, but because he is a quick thinker, and proud of his knowledge.

The second individual is book smart.  He knows his stuff.  When he decides he wants to learn about something, he studies it from all sides.  He is currently pursuing a doctorate from Seminary, this dude knows his Bible.  I can appreciate the vast library that runs through his head.  He is smart, book smart.  The problem is he knows it.  He has become proud of his knowledge.  He won't admit it, but everyone who knows this man can see it.

And here is the point of my blog today...wisdom is not knowing a bunch of facts.  Knowledge is not wisdom.  Wisdom rather is taking the principles that God teaches us through His Word and putting them into good practice.  In other words, wisdom is being obedient.

I may not always have all the answers to all the questions.  I may not always persuade petulant youngin' with my oratory skills.  I may not know how to parse Greek and Hebrew, but I do know how to recognize wisdom.  I may not always act obedient, though I do realize that wisdom is found in obedience, even on the difficult matters of life.

So I may never be mistaken for a rocket scientist, or a brain surgeon, but in my own daily struggle with the flesh my prayer is that someone, somewhere will, through my obedience to my heavenly Father, see Christ in me.  I hope that is your prayer for yourself as well.


Blog Administrator, Karen L. Brahs said...

I'm glad to see you have a blog, Chris. It's been a pleasure watching your posts on FB and now that I know you're here, I'll be a frequent visitor. I also have two blogs I try to keep fresh:

which is my personal blog and

- the blog for Beka and Anna in Malawi.

Hope you'll visit them some day! :o)
Hopefully, someday we can meet in person and happy blogging!


P.S. Just a suggestion: add the "Followers" gadget. That way when I log onto my blogs, I'll see you've posted something new. :o)

Unknown said...

Karen-I'd love to go visit them in Malawi. Maybe someday.

I'll look into the gadget. Thanks for the tip!

Lori Jo said...

In the early morning hours of this particular day a great man returned home to Jesus...he was my beloved stepdad, except to me he will forever be Dad.
Thank you Chris for being you...I love you Cousin!