Friday, February 29, 2008

Have you ever...

had a problem you tried to fix on you own but it didn't work out so well? Or how about had crisis and didn't know where to turn? If not you personally then I am sure that you know some one who has. What are we to do in those instances? Secular Psychologists often times tell us that we suffer these problems because of one disorder or another. I would have to disagree with those "well" educated people and argue that often times people suffer, because of unresolved sin. I realize that my stance is not often popular in today's society. As believer's we have a responibility to encourage and admonish our brother's and sister's when they are suffering because of their sin. We in the body of Christ are to help those around us who are struggling not send them to some "professional." And if we ourselves have a crisis we need to remember where to find all the answers, of course I am talking about the scriptures!

1 comment:

Terminator51 said...

You hit the nail on the head with this one.
People like Dr. Phil and the like tell us that it,s our life style and such.
Call it what it is SIN

In Christ: Herbert